BlinQ Blossom is a robust succulent herb and with its crystal-like appearance a real eye-catcher in the range. The taste of BlinQ Blossom ranges from fresh-silty to salty and goes well with smoked dishes with meat or fish. Take mackerel, for example.
For a combination with meat, you can use tartare, entrecote or wagyu, for example.
BlinQ Blossom originated in South Africa, but has expanded its distribution area to include the Mediterranean Sea. The plant occurs in dry rocky areas. BlinQ Blossom has a soothing effect and is traditionally used to suppress inflammation of mucous membranes.
BlinQ Blossom is available all year round and can be stored for up to seven days between 2° and 7°C. Produced in a socially responsible way, BlinQ Blossom meets the hygienic standards in the kitchen. You can use this product immediately, because it is grown in a clean and hygienic way.